Dudwell Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0SD



All Saints' CE Primary School



Our Governors

Click here to see our Governor Strategic Vision


Robin Hanson

Local Authority Governor

Areas of Responsibility - Health and Safety

Interests - Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Term of Office - 15/11/19 to 13/11/27

Rebecca McDonnell

Parent Governor

Interests - None

Term of Office - 23/10/24 to 22/10/2028


Previous Governors

  • Chris Bateman, Foundation Governor, (appointed by the diocese) 29.9.21- 28.9.25 resigned 16.11.23
  • Yolande Shire, Foundation Gov, (ex officio) resigned 28.09.22
  • Laura Mageean, Foundation Gov (appointed by the diocese), 13/11/2014 to 12/11/2022 resigned 28.09.22
  • Oliver Crosland, Foundation Gov (appointed by the diocese), 02/11/2018 to 01/11/2022, resigned 14/07/2022
  • Rosslynn Gowers, Foundation Governor, (appointed by the diocese) 7.7.21- 6.7.25 resigned 07.11.21

Lauren Watson


Interests - Married to Myles Watson who is employed at OW Construction



Barney Conway

Staff Governor

Term of Office - 7/7/21 - 6/7/25

Kirsty Birks

Vice Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Areas of Responsibility - Performance Management, Reception, SEND

Member of the HTPM

Interests - Director at Fideli's Resourcing Ltd

Term of Office - 23/10/20 to 22/10/28


Dianne Bates

Foundation Governor

Areas of Responsibility - Year 5 Link Governor and

Collective Worship and RE

Interests - Church Warden at All Saints'

Term of Office - 29/9/21 to 28/9/25


Vacant - Foundation (PCC)

Vacant - Parent

Marjorie Raymond

Foundation Governor

Areas of Responsibility - Pay Committee, Year 1

Interests - None

Term of office - 17/10/23 to 16/10/27

Liam Maloney

Foundation Governor

Area of Responsibility - Year 3

Interests - None

Term of office -22/04/24 to 21/04/28

Jonathan Bigwood

Foundation Governor

Areas of Responsibility - Member of the HTPM, Member of the Pay Panel

Interests - Employed by Department for Health & Social Care, Member of CIMA

Term of Office - 21/4/21 to 20/4/25


Rev Jennifer Middleton

Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor (Ex officio)

Areas of Responsibility - Performance Management/Pay, Year 2 Link Governor, Personal Development, Wellbeing and Pastoral Care and Safeguarding

Interests - Trustee of All Saints Church and Trustee of The Goodall Trust

Member of the HTPM

Member of the Pay Panel




The Role of the Governing Body

All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Local Authority. Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors main three roles include:

Strategic– The governing body sets the general direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop. This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.

Critical Friend– A governing body should work with the Headteacher and create a clear understanding of the challenges face in managing a school.

Accountability – A school is a business and its stakeholders are the learners. The governing body must have a professional attitude and use its collective skills to benefit the learners. It must gather views, ask questions and decide what is best for the school. The governing body is answerable to parents, the wider community and the local authority.

School governors are drawn from different parts of the community. This helps to ensure that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean that governors of a particular category “represent” that group on the governing body.


The different categories of governor are as follows:

Parent governors

Elected by parents to serve on the Governing Body

Staff governors

To include the Head Teacher if they wish to be a governor. Remaining staff (both teaching and non-teaching are represented) governors are elected by other members of staff at the school via elections.

Authority governors

Local Education Authority ( LEA ) governors are appointed by the LA . LAs can appoint any eligible person as a LEA governor.

Foundation governors

Appointed by the Diocese to preserve the religious character of the school.  

If you are interested in becoming a governor

Please contact the Clerk to Governors: clerk@allsaints.calderdale.sch.uk

Future governor's meetings


20th November
22nd January
19th March
23rd April
29th April
21st May
14th July 

If you wish to contact the Governors please email the Clerk to Governors, Helen Kay at the following email address - clerk@allsaints.calderdale.sch.uk

Governor meeting attendance for 2020/21 can be found here:


Governor meeting attendance for 2021/22 can be found here:

Governor meeting attendance for 2022/23 can be found here:

Governor meeting attendance for 2023/24 can be found here: