Dudwell Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0SD



All Saints' CE Primary School


Together may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly. 

Year 6 - We've had such an amazing last half term together and we celebrated by going bowling and rock climbing, and enjoying the Piece Hall in the sunshine! Some lasting memories made.

Well done to everyone in Year 5 who did an amazing job in the end of Year production of Will Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! 

This half term, Year 4 had an amazing day in Whitby as part of their Geography topic! The children loved seeing the differences between Halifax and a seaside town. They discovered the purpose of the lighthouse and piers, explored the human and physical features of Whitby, found out new facts about the local area and got to play on the beach.

 We also had ice cream in the sun to say thank you for such a fantastic year!

 I wonder who will revisit this wonderful seaside town in the summer holidays…

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed National School Sports Week! They loved participating in archery and the circus skills workshop! They are ready to join the circus! 

Year 2 had a wonderful time at the Jamia Masjid Riza in Huddersfield. We visited the prayer rooms and learned how Muslims get ready to worship.

Year 1 had a great time at Ponderosa Zoo. We saw so many fascinating and interesting animals. Our favourite part of the trip was when we went to the lemur lookout – we got really close to the lemurs and enjoyed watching them jump around.

Reception had a lovely visit from Naomi's Grandma who talked about seaside holidays when she was a little girl. We looked at photographs, an old suitcase that her family used and heard lots of lovely stories. The children thoroughly enjoyed the session and we all learnt lots of new information.

Reception enjoyed a wonderful visit to Cromwell Bottom this half term. We found newts, helped with some pond dipping, looked for signs of Spring and saw and heard some beautiful birds. We walked around the nature reserve for over two hours - we had some vey tired legs that afternoon!

Year 1 are planning some fund raising events for a very special charity close to our hearts – Albie Sugden foundation. Baking yummy Challah bread with Rev Jen – Religious Education. Geraldine came to speak to us about Judaism – Wow! We learnt so much! We had some furry visitors – The guinea pigs came to school when we were learning all about amazing animals!

Year 2 had an amazing day visiting the Fireground, Rochdale.  They learnt about The Great Fire of London, as well as exploring different fire engines and pretending to be firefighters.

Year 4 had the opportunity to sing at The Halifax Minster as part of the Calderdale Music choir competition. We decided to sing a song from our Easter production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and the judges were really impressed with our clarity and the energy that we showed when performing!

Year 5 took a trip to Everybody Arts in Halifax to learn about the printing process. They practiced key skills that they used in their final pieces. 

This half term, Year 3 went to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park! In Art, they have been learning all about sculpture and during their visit, they had a chance to see large sculptures and also sketch some of them! 

Our All Saints' rock bands have been in full swing and we thoroughly enjoyed our concert today! 

We raised a whopping £510.10 by doing our Reindeer Run for Overgate hospice! Thank you to our families and community for their support.

Year 5 have been taking part in some tag rugby sessions. They have learned the key skills for the game and also invaluable skills such as; team work, clear communication and sportsmanship.

Year 4 had the opportunity to visit forest school as part of our My Voice Matters programme! The children had a fantastic time exploring the woods, playing games, making dens and swings, planning stories and discovering new things about science and the environment to boost their ideas when writing for different purposes. Although the weather was not on our side, the children made memories that will stay with them forever!

Year 1 In Geography we have been learning about the local area – We went for a walk around Skircoat Green to observe physical and human features and to follow a route.

Year 1 In Science we have been learning about plants – we have planted our own sunflower seeds; we wonder whether they will grow nice and tall!

Year 1 In RE we have been looking at caring for the world and for others – here we took part in some role play linked to the story – The Good Samaritan.

In Year 1, we dressed as our favourite book characters for World Book Day.

Reception had a wonderful ‘World Book Day’ and the children loved dressing up as their favourite characters. The ‘Book Café’ session where they enjoyed getting cosy, reading books and enjoying a biscuit was extremely popular!

Year 6 have had a great half term learning all about rivers. We conducted local fieldwork with our new knowledge of rivers and headed down to the Calder River. We learnt about the source of the Calder, the uses of the river as well as some local history about the toll bridge too! 


Reception enjoyed a visit from the pygmy hedgehogs. They learnt lots about hibernation and what hedgehogs eat, drink and lots more!

Year 2 had a very special visitor, Florence Nightingale! She told us all about her life before showing us some objects that she used while caring for the soldiers during the Crimean War.

Year 1 Using puppets to help us re-tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

In Drama, Year 1 have been exploring a characters thoughts and feelings.

Year 3 Across school we celebrated "National Storytelling Week!" We joined a zoom with author Steven Camden and planned an amazing story! He was so inspiring, we didn't want it to end! 

In History Year 4 have been learning about the Ancient Greeks! They have explored Greek life over 3000 years ago, the origins of the Olympics, Greek gods and the Spartan Army.

The children also experienced an Ancient Greek day! It was a fantastic day full of fun, facts and drama!

Year 6 had a visit from Altru Drama who worked with them on creating an informative, fun performance all about the Early Islamic Civilisation! They looked at when and how Baghdad was created, the importance of the House of Wisdom and the fall of the empire in 1258AD! 

Year 3 had the big job of making all of the Christingles for our service! They worked really hard and created a production line. It only took them 45 minutes to make 220 Christingles! 

Year 5 had a very important visitor!  Year 5 sent off their persuasive letters to Holly Lynch MP about local issues and Holly Lynch MP wanted to visit the class discuss the issues further . We had a great morning finding out what life like an MP is like and what impact we can have in our local community.


What a fun filled Christingle service! We all helped retell the story of the nativity, we played pass the parcel and the final prize was an orange which represents the world. We also had so much fun singing ding dong merrily on high - one of our favourites.

Nativity Performance

Reception, Year 1 and 2 have thoroughly enjoyed learning their songs and lines to prepare for the nativity performance.

During Anti-bullying week, we have been continuing our passion of raising awareness about our anti-bullying and don't be a bystander campaign. Our anti-bullying junior leadership team created an assembly to deliver to classes and they also decided that we would hold a unique day, where everybody could dress in their own and special unique way. We love to nurture our own and other's uniqueness because we know that tolerance and respect helps to support anti-bullying. 

Year 1 took part in a toy workshop – exploring toys children played with in the past.  

They also went on an Autumn walk to inspire them to write poems. They used their senses to explore the changes in the environment.

Our Year 6 children have made the best memories on their action-packed 2-night trip to Robinwood.  We can't wait to hear all about it!

Year 2 have been exploring habitats, looking for different kinds of plants and animals that live there.  They found a huge variety in the church garden alone!

Reception had a fantastic afternoon learning skills such as plate spinning, juggling and stilt walking during our circus skills workshop.

Year 5 & 6 Mixed Tag Rugby Festival  

The sun was shining as the Year 5 & 6 attended the Tag Rugby Festival at Old Crossleyans! The children took part in activities with 3 other schools. They shone so brightly and were fantastic role models for All Saints’. They even received a trophy for their discipline! Well done!  

Year 6 worked extremely hard preparing for the Bake Sale. We had lots of delicious treats to sell to raise money for our Courageous Advocacy - The Salvation Army. 

Year 4 continue their School Linking Project with a visit to Savile Park Primary School! The children love meeting children from their local area, and it is lovely to see how the children build relationships and make friends from the first minute they meet.  

In the most recent visit, the children took part in a range of activities, including circle games, get to know you bingo, all about me posters, and finished the day with a lovely picnic together.  

We can’t wait to invite them to All Saints’ in Summer 2!  


We came in first place at the Calderdale Schools Poetry Competition!

Year 6 worked with Rob, a poet who visited school to design and write poems based on the word GREEN.  A group of children from Year 6 then performed at the Victoria Theatre in a competition against other Calderdale schools.  They performed fantastically well, and their words were so significant.   Well done – you were fabulous boys! 

Year five blasted into space this half term. They learned about the first walk on the moon, mathematicians who calculated the moon landing and we answered questions, such as; Why do we have seasons? Why can you only see part of the moon sometimes? Our term was topped off with an amazing visit to the Bradford National Science and Media Museum. 


A hugely successful day! All the children were visited by local authors and illustrators. We had so much fun dressing up and getting a new book at the book swap. The Thoughtful Spot held a book fair at the end of the day and many of us bought new books to enjoy at home. The winners of our Potato Character competition won vouchers to spend at the bookshop. 

CORAMPHSCE life base Education visited across school. In year 4, we learned about some complex parts of our body, including our digestive system and how red and white blood cells function. Ben got to put a magic T-shirt on that showed us the inside of his body through virtual reality.

We also talked about making the right choices, even if our friends do not agree, and the value of finding a solution to tricky problem!

Year 3 paid a visit to All Saints' Church for one of their RE lessons. Rev Jen told us how Christians mark the Easter events in their church communities, making simple links between that and the Gospel texts, also how Christians show their beliefs about Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday in Worship.

Making a difference

We made a difference to so many people by singing at the Calderdale Hospital. They told us that our carol singing really brightened their day.

Interfaith week

We celebrated Interfaith week as part of strengthening good relationships in our school and community. This helps us to increase awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK and increase the understanding between our children of religious and non-religious beliefs.


We had so much fun at Christingle this morning.  Rev Jen helped Joshua become an actual Christingle. We all snapped our glow sticks to symbolise Jesus being the light of the world. We know this light guides us to shine and make a difference. 

Inara in Year 5 played piano during Christingle, listen to her beautiful playing below!

RockSteady visited us today to give us a taste of what it's like to perform in a rock band! In 2023, children in Reception to Year 4 will have the chance to take part in in-school band lessons!

Our choir sang Christmas carols for our families and local community at the Thoughtful Bookshop. It was lovely to see our past pupils stopping to listen. 

Some of our courageous advocates from Year 3 went to Bethel Chapel in Shelf to decorate a Christmas tree on behalf of SmartMove and spreading the good work that they do, their Courageous Advocates charity. All of Year 3 created their own decoration and it was then hung on the Christmas tree.

This half term, Year 3 went to Skircoat Green allotments to join in with some apple pressing! They picked the apples from the tree, watched them being pressed, and then tried the juice. It was delicious!

Reception have been learning about having healthy teeth and bodies.  We made some tasty fruit kebabs to show how we can eat our 5 a day in lots of different ways!

Year 5 have been using charcoal and focusing on their line work in the style of Damien Goidich. Their work based on the interpretation and inspiration from this artist was inspiring. 

Blessing of our book bags

Rev Jen helped us to bless our book bags after school in church this week for those families who chose to do this. This will help us to create hope for a successful year ahead!

Year 4 Sporting fun! 

This half term, Year 4 have joined Greenroyd Bowling Club to take part in bowling sessions. They have loved every session and learnt lots! 

This half term Year 1 enjoyed a visit from Rev Jen who came in to talk to us about Judaism. We made a special bread called 'Challah' which we all enjoyed tasting. We also learned a Hebrew prayer.  Rev Jen knows lots about religions of the world. It is really important to us at All Saints' that we understand about the world religions to help us appreciate our diversity.

Courageous Advocates - Year 3

This half term, Year 3 ran a coffee morning for their adults to raise money for their courageous advocate charity 'SmartMove'. 

Jo and Paula, who work for SmartMove, came along, and saw all the fantastic fundraising that had been taking place. They were blown away! 

Year 3's fundraising total has now come to... drum roll please....  £600!

Year Two had the opportunity to work with Mr Winston, a local poet.  As our focus in English is the Great Fire of London, we decided to create our own sound poems! We then performed using different sounds from the event and different levels of volume to build up to the blaze. We also used our knowledge of adjectives to create a class poem based on the sun.

Mr Winston Visits Year 2
Mr Winston Visits Year 2

 Year 3 held their second ‘courageous advocate’ fundraising event for SmartMove. They ran a used toy and book sale and raised over £160! Bringing their overall total to over £300!  

Year 4 created an Egyptian museum during our open classroom event for parents. Their learning has been based around the key questions, how does being near a river help civilisations develop and also the debate statement, modern Egypt is different from ancient Egypt. Children also challenged themselves to learn more at home and made some really creative artefacts.

Chinese New Year

 Reception enjoyed a fabulous Chinese New Year workshop with Fiona from Bankfield Museum. We learned the story of the 'Great Race' where each of the 12 animals were given a year in order of where they came in the race. We found out about how the dragon dance is used to scare away any bad spirits for the new year ahead and we even created some of our own! We also learned a new song that originates in China and performed it as a group.

We love reading at All Saints’!
As part of our appreciation, for children who go the extra mile with their reading, a group of our Year 3 children visited the Thoughtful Spot book shop on Saturday, to meet Rob Biddulph, a famous author. He signed our books and now we can’t wait to read them.


It was lovely to visit Brooksbank Secondary School today as part of the year 7 transition program. We have been meeting up with previous All Saints’ pupils to support their move to high school.

Design and Technology - Year 2

Year 2 have had a fabulous experience today with a visit from a designer from Artworks.

As part of their Geography, Wonderful World and Design and Technology, Structures focus they have been learning about architecture and structures around the world. Today was bridges!

Yorkshire Water - Wikipedia

Yorkshire Water delivered an assembly about how to stay safe around open water. We learned about different types of open water - rivers, reservoirs, canals and coastal water. Here is an important rule to remember when you are near open water - 



From the


"You can't swim in reservoirs because the force will pull you down into the bottom." Great safety advice Will!

If you would like to learn more about Water Safety please click on the link below - 

Yorkshire Water - Water Safety

Yorkshire Water's reservoirs hit by almost 8,000 incidents in summer  holidays as kids ignore danger warnings - Leeds Live

Speak Out! Stay Safe!

We have been thinking about who we can talk to if we have any worries. We used the NSPCC 'Speak out! Shout out!' campaign to identify our trusted grown-ups in school and at home. We also learned the phone number for Childline and explored the 'Buddy Zone' on Childline's website. The link for Childline is below - 


We created our Happy Places on the Buddy Zone. 

 Here are some drawings of our trusted grown-ups at school and home. 


Theatre Visit

We welcomed Skylar’s Missing Note into school which is an innovative and impactful education project from Leeds International Piano Competition and Manic Chord Theatre which introduces children to the world of music through live performance. Our reception and key stage 1 children really enjoyed it. They also completed an active workshop.


LGBTQ History Month

During LGBTQ Hisory Month, we shared a variety of storybooks across school. These books highlight just how different and varied families can be whilst simultaneously identifying that it isn't a particular set of people that make a family - LOVE makes a family. 
Please see below our school's 'Wall of Love'. Each class had an opportunity to add their thoughts and ideas.
Our KS2 children quoted:
"LGBT week is important because it's an opportunity to celebrate everybody's differences and the things that make them special."
"I think LGBT week is important because people should be able to love whoever they want to and feel accepted."
"LGBT week is important because we can learn about other people's families and that all you need is love to make a family."

Year 6 have been working extremely hard all year in the build up to their SATs. We are so proud of their resilience, determination and teamwork as they sat them this half term.  Well done Year 6! 

Year 3 and Year 4 did an amazing job in their performances of "Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat"! They were calm, confident and sang so beautifully! 

Year 6's science this half term has focused on the circulatory system and what the function of the heart is, as well as how it transports blood around our body.  We have created amazing replicas of hearts out of clay and got up close and personal with some actual hearts to see just how fascinating and vital it is to all living things! The children were fully immersed in finding the chambers, valves, veins and arteries! 

Year 4 Year 4 have been exploring what makes a successful structure. To complete our topic, we went to our local woods to put our theory into practice! First, we each chose a flat area to build our shelters on, made a solid foundation and then began to look for natural resources in the woods to make our shelters both sturdy and waterproof. We then came back to school to evaluate how we did and what we would do differently if we were to build shelters again. Although the weather was not on our side, we had an amazing afternoon!

Year 5 had an exciting Anglo-Saxon day!

In Science, Year 3 have been looking at rocks, soil and fossils! The children took a walk through the graveyard to see how different headstones had weathered. They looked for chemical, physical and biological weathering and were able to tell the difference between the three. 

Year 5 and 6 worked tirelessly this half term on their joint production of ‘The Greatest Show.’  They did a fantastic job of performing, showing confidence, teamwork and humour throughout. Well done! 

Year 4 had an amazing day in Whitby as part of their Geography topic! The children loved seeing the differences between Halifax and a seaside town. They discovered the purpose of the two piers, explored the human and physical features of Whitby, found out new facts about the local area and got to play on the beach.

We also had ice cream on the beach to say thank you for such a fantastic year!

Year 1 have been enjoying the book Handa's surprise to inspire their writing. Drama has been a fun way to bring their story ideas together.

We're running away to join the circus!

 To celebrate National School Sports Week, the whole school took part in a fantastic circus skills workshop! The children had a go at juggling, balancing peacock feathers, spinning plates, foot pedals, stilts and so much more! We had an amazing time. 

All Saints had a fabulous time at the Victoria theatre singing alongside other Calderdale schools in the Voices Together concert. We were impressed by all of the schools choices of songs, as we could hear our own vision of shine and make a difference singing through!

This half term Year 5 have been looking at the printing artwork of Kate Watkins. They created their own marvelous technical prints, which involved creating two prints and layering them together. 

Thank you, Peter Dunne for visiting Year 5 and sharing your amazing memories with the class about what All Saints was like in the 1960s. 

Year 6 have loved our Forest school this half term as part of the wonderful Our Voice Matters. They developed teamwork, resillience and new skills as they built shelters to protect them from the harsh weather conditions! 

In Year 1, we have been learning about Judaism.

Rev Jen came to talk to us about Shabbat and help us bake some Challah bread.   We then made our own challah bread – Jewish people will eat this for the Shabbat meal.

Geraldine came to talk to us about Judaism – she brought many artifacts to share.

Our bread turned out to be so tasty and yummy!

Miss Holt has been running a KS2 cricket club this half term. The children have learnt lots of different skills through modified games. They have had so much fun!! 

Year 2 had an amazing time visiting Manor Heath Park for their class treat.  They played on the playground equipment, ate scrumptious muffins and finished with a game of football.

Reception enjoyed a wonderful visit to Ramsden Farm.  The children saw two lambs being born, learnt all about sheep farming, and even went on a minibeast hunt.  We had great fun and it really inspired us with our topic of 'New Beginnings' back in school.

Year 3 went to the Milner Royd Local Nature Reserve. The purpose of this trip was to plant a number of trees donated by the Woodland Trust in the form of a hedgerow. The children worked under the supervision of the Calderdale Countryside Service. It was so much fun! 

What an AMAZING end to the half term! Year 3 and 4 performed their production 'Easter Jubilation' and shone so brightly! 
The audience loved it! We are so proud of everyone who was involved. 

Year one enjoyed learning even more about animals at Ponderosa. This will help them when they are back in the classroom looking at their science topic about animals and classification.

Year 5 have been enjoying forest school. They have been making all kinds of structures and learning how they can use the forest to support their wellbeing and have fun. It has inspired them to write a letter to the governors to persuade them that we need our own forest provision here at All Saints'. Mrs Watson loves the idea!

Year 6 were visited by Altru Drama they worked with our class to develop a performance linked to our topic of Early Islamic Civilisation. The class then performed to KS2! We learnt so much from this workshop. 

Year 2 met members of Bradford Red Dragons Basketball Team.  They learnt how to bounce, move, dodge and shoot nets. We could practice the skills we have been learning at break time and in our PE lessons.  Everyone had an amazing time!

Courageous Advocacy Fundraising

We are really proud of our courageous advocacy work. Thank you to our local community and families who have supported us to make a difference!

Our Christmas Bonanza was AMAZING. A real showcase of creative arts, singing, musical instruments and poetry! We love to perform!

Reindeer Run

We had a fantastic time on our reindeer run in the lovely wintery weather. We were raising money for another charity close to our hearts - Overgate Hospice.

A wonderful Christmas nativity 'I'm gonna shine' from reception class, Year 1 and 2.  Have a listen to our lovely singing below!

We raised £151.24! Thank you everybody!

Year 1 met the Author Ian Brown, we loved listening to his story,  Albert upside down.  We can’t wait to read more books about Albert and find out what other adventures he has.

Writing for an Audience - Years 3 and 4

We love to write with an audience in mind. Therefore, we like to share our work with other classes. Y3 have been working on Stone Henge and Y4 have been working on exploring Rome and the entertainment that they had in those times!

Year 6 visited the brilliant local author Tom Palmer. They learnt all about Tom's method behind his writing, his inspirations for his books and what he loves about being an author. 

Some children even had his latest book, 'Resist', signed by Tom Palmer himself! 

Book Author Visit

Ian Brown visited school to share his love for reading and writing. Ian Brown is the Author of the Albert books which describe the adventures of Albert the tortoise. We held a bookstall for children to buy books after school and popped some into our class libraries too.

A fabulous day was had at Sports Day and our summer fair! Pechey were our winners! 

Reception enjoyed a wonderful seaside afternoon this half term. We enjoyed a Punch and Judy Show by our visitor Will Cousins followed by ice pops and a paddle in the water!

 Jubilee Celebration 

We had a fabulous worship in church this morning. Rev Jen helped us to understand the role of the Queen and the monarchy along with why we are celebrating the Jubilee. We sang a special jubilee song also.  Did you know that the Queen is Rev Jen’s boss?  

Reception have been looking at castles that were built in the past. We have learnt all about the parts of the castle, ask us anything and we will be able to tell you! Here we are preparing our Medieval Pottage. It was delicious!

Year 5 participated in some fantastic My Voice Matters sessions with Mrs Durrans and Mr Winston. We learnt how important it is to explore what our voice can do using songs, sounds and poetry!

Year 3 enjoyed their trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, where they took part in a workshop about materials. 

Celebrating World Book Day 2022

Seeds of Happiness - The Science of Happiness

Our Seeds of Happiness learning is being lived out here at All Saints'. The Seeds of Happiness course helps our children to understand the science of happiness, and how they can positively impact their own happiness levels and those of their friends and family therefore living out our vision of making a difference in the world.

Each half term one of our classes delivers a courageous advocate assembly. This is a chance for children to share their voice about their passionate team effort to raise money for a charity which the class have chosen. This half term it is Year 4's turn who delivered an assembly about the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). They talked to the rest of the school about how important it is to look after our world and even suggested they adopt an animal like Year 4 have done using their fundraising money. They have adopted an Amur tiger called.


Hear some of our children on

Radio 4

Year 6 were visited by Lloyds bank who delivered a session to raise awareness of online fraud and its associated risks, and explore the skills pupils need to stay safe online and protect their personal information, as well as how to report concerns and access help.

We were the first school to pilot this session in 2019.

Hear our children being courageous advocates once again and sharing the message about how to look out for online fraud on Radio 4. Listen here.

You and Yours - Clarks Strike; Cyber Detective Kids; WhatsApp Scam - BBC Sounds


Calderdale SmartMove

One of the ways we are courageous advocates is that we support and share the message of SmartMove along with helping them with our actions. Dom from SmartMove visited school to let us know how our fundraising has helped them to support those in Calderdale who are less fortunate and he asked us to collect donations at harvest time. We loved his poem to encourage us to share a smile. We are big on smiling here at All Saints'.

Hand to Mouth Lent Journey

Our Year two children have taken part in the Hand to Mouth Spiritual Lent Journey. The children were able to enhance their spiritualty and deepen their thinking around lent. The stations posed questions, stories, discussion and reflection opportunities,  they even had the opportunity to taste food, including chocolate!

'Big Frieze'

We have created our own whole school 'Big Frieze' which show the 7 parts of the Christian story, from Creation and Fall to Salvation and The Kingdom of God.  We learn this story through our RE curriculum as we move through school.

Diary Dates


Question? Query? 

In the first instance, please speak to our School Office, who will be happy to help. 

01422 367140

Latest All Saints' School Calendar Events

Training Day (School Closed)25Oct2024

Half term28Oct2024

First day of term04Nov2024

Calendars page(s): All Saints' School Calendar >>

Latest All Saints' School Calendar Events

Training Day (School Closed)25Oct2024

Half term28Oct2024

First day of term04Nov2024

Calendars page(s): All Saints' School Calendar >>

Our Fabulous Choir

The choir sung their hearts out in the centre of Skircoat Green. The Christmas Carols they sang made their audience feel really festive.
‘What a perfect start to Christmas.’

They are looking forward to their next performance with an audience!

Listen to us here!

All Saints' CE Primary School


 Dudwell Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0SD

